Owl Tattoo Ideas That Will Keep you Awake


Owl tattoos are quite common these days, that’s because the owl tattoo means mysticism, intelligence and wisdom, while other people have their own meanings as well. There are more than 200 beautiful owl species to get tattoo ideas from. Owls are very colorful and interesting creatures, which is why some people prefer them than other bird tattoos.  Most owls are nocturnal and hunt at night, for “night people” or people who are up all night the owl tattoo is perfect for you. You might be wondering where to put them, we give you a list of 20.

Check out our Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake:

Upper arm owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Chelsea Kaline

Biceps owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Iris Helene

I love the eye details. Makes you wanna stare at it for a long time.

Cool bio-mechanical owl tattoo with a little mouse

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by smallxtattoos

Rich-colored owl tattoo on a man’s chest.

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by corn0nmacabre

Chest owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Inked Magazine

Adorable owl tattoo design

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Inked Magazine

It’s cute, cartoony and colorful.

Arm owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by 1337tattoos

Charming owl tattoo with pretty flowers.

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by ❤~|<ry$t@l~❤< dd=””>

Isn’t it adorable? Makes you wish it was real.

Framed owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Linda Dee

I love that the owl is in black and grey and the frame is colored in gold. It made the owl look very dramatic.

Full back owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by DailyDoseOfTattoos

Look at the magnificent details of this owl tattoo. Aren’t you jealous?

Owl/heart tattoo, for the love of owls.

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by smallxtattoos

Cute owl attempting to look tough

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Michelle Stewart

Another reason why owl tattoos are popular. They’re cute, fierce, and fantastic.

Colorful thigh owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Chandler McBee

Realistic leg owl tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Christina Gibson

Owl with red ink.

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by brentboss88

I think the color red and an owl is a perfect combination. It looks so magnificent.

Owl with clock

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by marveloustattoos

Colorful geometrical owl tattoo design

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by 1337tattoos

For someone who loves colorful tattoos, an owl geometrical tattoo idea might be the best for you.

Cute owl on a branch

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by aloneinthisdarkness

Cute yet fierce-looking owl in black and grey ink.

Owl thigh tattoo

120 Owl Tattoos That Will Keep you Awake

Originally posted by Tara Thomas

A thigh owl tattoo is a great placement idea, especially for women, because it has bigger space and you can show it off when you wear short skirts or pants.

The owl tattoos naturally look amazing wherever you put them on your skin. This animal’s magnificent design and beautiful meaning are the reason why you almost see them everywhere, including accessories. The Greek goddess Athena symbolizes the owl, being the symbol of wisdom, wealth, and intelligence.

Although in reality, owls are not among the smartest birds in the criteria, because of their sharp senses, human fascination with them started way back 30,000 years ago. Its huge adorable eyes are stereoscopic. That means it can see well in the dim lights and even in the dark.

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