Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous


Wrist tattoos. Beautiful wrist tattoos! Incredible. Insanely cool. Wrist tattoos and designs that will get you excited to get your own. Enjoy. When looking for locations for tattoos, many people will opt for some part of the arm.  The wrist is becoming a more popular place, but remember, the wrist is not only highly visible, it is also in a place that gets exposed to a lot of other things.  For instance, the wrist often gets bumped and rubbed, making the healing process slow.  Some wrist tattoos will need to be gone over a second time, depending on the placement on the wrist.  If it is too close to the hand, the bending of the joint can cause it to split open while it is healing.  Don’t let these things sway you, however, just consider them.  With proper care, your wrist tattoo can be just as great as a tattoo on any other part of the body.

Piano Man

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

The wrist is a lovely place to display something you love and remind yourself of why you love it.  For music lovers, something along the lines of piano keys or music notes would do well on this relatively flat plane.

Trail of Stars

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Due to the size of the area, wrist tattoos are often small.  This means they have to fit all of their meaning into simple designs, like this small trail of stars.   For more small ideas that may work on your wrist, look at this page.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Wrist tattoos certainly are for everyone.  Here is a picture of Pink sporting one of her tattoos.  It is a winding script around her arm saying, “What comes around goes around.”  The idea of karma is on permanent display around her wrist.  If you are interested in celebrity tattoos and their meanings, you can read about Rihanna’s and Angelina Jolie’s.

Eye of the Rose

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Okay, am I the only one that finds random eye tattoos creepy?  They are just kind of floating there.  This guy has one on his wrist and even the brilliant red roses just above it don’t manage to negate the creepy factor for me.  I will admit that the eye is remarkably well done, which is probably why it gives me the willies.   This is a good time to point out that you should also consider directionality when getting a wrist tattoo.  With his hand down like it is, they eye is right side up, but when he sees it, his hand will be up, and the eye upside down.  Be sure to think this through before going ahead with the wrist ink.

Sunny Disposition

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Sunflower tattoos are simply beautiful. I will admit to having a bias, I have a sunflower tattoo of my own. Sunflowers are my favorite flower.  They are strong, and not easily bent or broken. Usually shown in wonderful bright colors like some of these, this one lacks color but is still amazing because of the amount of detail in it. I can’t see a sunflower without it putting a smile on my face.

Branch Out

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Trees and branches make wonderful tattoos.  This one demonstrates how they can be worked into wrist tattoos as well.  There isn’t much to these branches but a couple of flowers and a few leaves and buds. The look of this one is really cool, though, it is complex in its simplicity and I really dig it. I wish I knew the meaning behind the branch and tree tattoos, but no matter what it is, I love this design.

Beat of the Heart

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

The wrist is a major pulse point, so it makes sense to have a heart reading there.  It would be more sentimental to have it be the heart rhythm of a loved one, but if you just like the design, any will do.  Add a bit of color to it by adding a red heart.  With a few simple lines and a little pop of color, you can make a really effective and interesting tattoo.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Wrist tattoos can carry an important message.  Here, a power button symbol is tattooed on the wrist.  While this may be a little joke piece, it could also stand for something bigger.  The wrist is a point of power, it is a pressure point, and if cut, you will lose power rather quickly.  This simple design could be a suicide awareness tattoo for the wearer, a reminder to not cut power.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

The handprint of a loved one is a really great idea for wrist tattoos.  I really love this idea.  It is not super detailed or intricate, but it looks like someone put a painted paw right on her arm.  This is a really unique take on the wrist tattoo and I love it.  I wonder who the handprint belonged to.  I could definitely see this in children’s prints.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

This tattoo is just marvelous.  I don’t have another word for it.  It is a musical scale, but the treble clef is made up of a quarter (?) note and a bass clef.  Instead of notes filling the scale, there are simple drops of color. Any music lover would adore something like this.  What an amazing piece. I love these watercolor ones because the color seems to run a little, and it is, of course, all done on purpose.  What wonderful attention to detail!


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

When getting wrist tattoos, it is still possible to utilize more of the arm than just the wrist.  Your imagination is not bound to one area.  Branch out and design a really creative tattoo like this dragonfly.  You will notice that most wrist tattoos are devoid of color.  That could be because the wrist is such a small area to work.  Maybe people don’t want a lot of flashy color on their wrists. Either way, this simple dragonfly is a wonderfully fun design.

Welcome to Wonderland

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Literary nerds, like me, might be tempted to put a line or phrase from their favorite books on their wrist.  It is a wonderful place to put a meaningful saying, something you want to look at daily to remind you of certain experiences you have gone through.  This one is a line from Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland.  We’re all mad here could be a reminder that everyone is a little looney.  You are not alone.  While it is a book, most remember Alice from the Disney movie, so for more Disney-inspired tattoos, look at this.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Memories can be used as wrist tattoos because, again, the wrist is a highly visible place.  Bring a little joy to your life by placing something that brings back a fond time in your life there.  This person opted for a scene of Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin playing with sticks in the water.  It has a classic sketch look to it, something associated with the original Pooh stories.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

I think this is actually on this man’s ankle, but it could easily be put on the wrist. I love the idea of the map and the compass rose.  Nothing inside the compass rose is shaded, but anything outside of it is. I don’t really know the significance of that, but I like the look of it.  It makes for a really interesting dynamic in this tattoo.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

It never hurts to add some colors to your wrist tattoos.  When getting something whimsical, like a couple of kids riding a unicorn, color is essential.  Not all color has to be bright and vibrant, as you can see, using pastels and muted colors can still make for a wonderful tattoo. It is all what you make of it.  I like this one simply because it’s cute.  It’s not really my style, but it’s cute.

Love the Sea

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Pukka shells (remember those?) are popular for beach bums and surfers.  However, pukka shells are also a bit overdone and dated. If you are a lover of the beach, but not much into pukka (I really just love the word pukka) you may opt for another cool sea trinket.  This sand dollar rests in the center of the wrist, trailing around the side is what appears to be seaweed, making a cute little beachgoer’s dream piece of jewelry.

Leather Feather

141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

With the growing popularity of feather tattoos, there are a number of available styles to choose from.  This tattoo, in particular, showcases a more masculine version of the feather tattoo, wrapping around the wrist on a leather strap.

White Out

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White ink tattoos make very good wrist tattoos because you can have your tattoo, but it is less spectacularly visible than your typical darker ink tattoos.  This one shows a small cross etched into the skin just below the folds of the wrist.  It is small, simple, and visible only when really looking for it.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

The moon is a wonderful subject for tattoos.  It has several phases, each carrying a different meaning for a different individual.  This one is a crescent done in a void, with two small stars and a couple of clouds surrounding it.


141 Wrist Tattoos and Designs to Make You Jealous

Wrists are great places to sport flower tattoos.  Flowers come in so many varying shapes and colors that there is something out there for everyone. The best part about flower tattoos is the incredible amount of detail you can put into them, making them look almost realistic.  It is a true art to make a rose as lovely as this one.

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Tammy Wong


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